WBM-107 Penyapu lidi/Penyapu Buluh Kelapa Buatan Tangan/Lidi Kelapa Batang Buluh/Lili Broom/Coco Leaf Broom

RM 1.70

Product Description

Like the good old days, the PENYAPU LIDI Traditional Broom Sweeper is an iconic sweeper and still relevant to use till today. Get yourself a traditional broom sweeper and sweep as the good old days traditionally. Sweep dust and debris inside or outside wherever possible. The broom sweeper with long thin twigs tied altogether near the top. - Length : 87 cm +-

- 100 % hand made

-Nature Lidi

- With Rope to fix it

-buatan tangan kadang kala akan ada defect tapi kami mesti garuantee berfungsi seperti biasa

-Ready stock malaysia

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